Never Give Up, Always Move Forward

Never Give Up, Always Move Forward

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Breaking Down The Hash tag #hashtaguse

Hash tags have taken on a life of their own on Twitter and has recently gained momentum on other social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Reddit, Snap Chat and, well, you get the picture.  However, I'm over 50 so I need to ask my kids how to use a "hash tag".  Here's what I got from them:   "Mom, never, ever use a hash tag, it's stupid."   So much for an explanation.  So, it set out to do a bit of my own investigation.  After all, if it has a valid use for social media or business, I at least want to understand.  So, here it is in terms a 50 something can grasp.

Origin of the Hash Tag:  Apparently started on Twitter.  It actually has a valid use other than to further enunciate whatever post a person has strong feelings about (example:  Monday stinks #Mondaystinks).   On Twitter, if you tweeted that example, you just created a searchable link and should be able to search for everyone who feels "Monday stinks".  

How to post a Hash Tag:  Pretty simple, at the end of your status or post, it's the # (pound sign) followed by a group of words that sum up your post (no spaces).  Numbers can be used in a hash tag.  There you have it, a searchable link.  Apparently, hash tags are not case sensitive so proper capitalization/grammar rules don't apply.  However, if you want to differentiate words you can post #AmericanSniper but the results will be the same as #americansniper.  No punctuation marks like commas, periods, exclamation marks.

How to actually make some good use of a Hash Tag?  I still wasn't convinced until I gave it a try myself.  If you are posting about a movie or television show, the hash tag will group your post into a searchable link allowing you to join in a conversation of others with similar likes and interests.  Example:

American Sniper was a great movie, and a must see!

There is a lot of posting on social media right now about this recently released movie.  If you are interested in some of the posts, opinions and conversations taking place (even with those starring in and involved in the movie personally) this will guide you to a lot of that information.

Where to use a Hash Tag?  Twitter is the birthplace of the Hash Tag and can be useful on Twitter to see trends (see popular trends and hash tags on image above). The Twitter feed actually curates a list of Hash Tags that are trending or popular and you can actually review these.

Other social media sites that are beginning to use Hash Tags include Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest and Tumblr.  If you are really curious as to which hash tags are really trending or popular or "hot" a website called will provide more information.

Beyond that, have some fun with the hash tag and you may even find it useful in business.  Tweeting trends, articles, blogs, sales, promotions, upsells will actually create a searchable link for that item so it is valuable in business.  

From my perspective, in the over 50 crowd, hash tags sound like a way to organize your tweets or social media posts quite easily.  It may, in fact, be one of the easiest things I can organize in my life.  Go figure.   It can also help you craft your voice when you want to be a part of a larger discussion (think political rants, current events, news, sports) and help your posts (or rather your voice) to be heard by some pretty important people directly involved.  That's easier than writing a letter to your senator.  Except these days, you can find your senator on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and "tweet" directly to them.

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