Never Give Up, Always Move Forward

Never Give Up, Always Move Forward

Monday, January 12, 2015

Second Chances

Second chances, most of the time, we don't get one in life.  I bet the Detroit Lions wish they had a second chance against the Packers.   Still, like football, another game, a re-match or do-over may not have the desired result either.  Yet, the thought of having a second chance gives us the feeling of "hope" for a different outcome, and leading up to a second chance we change strategies, re-think the mistakes of the first experience and alter the course, if that is possible.  Life is like that too, sometimes.

I'm no exception either when it comes to that nagging thought about something I should have done, would have done, could have done better..if only.   "If only"  just saying that sounds like a movie title, a romance novel, an illness, a football two words together in our language can mean so much.

If only I would have handled the situation better.  If only I weren't so afraid.  If only I were smarter, more knowledgeable about the subject, better in tune to my heart, more grounded in my affirmations, more well read or in touch with my own self.  If only I were smarter, richer, thinner, funnier, more understanding.  If only.  If only.

I could go on all day with the "if only" statements, but that simply won't lead me anywhere other than a huge squiggly circle that will ultimately haphazardly end up back at ground zero.

I'm only me.  I can try to be different, but the pendulum will only swing so far out before it lands hard, real hard and back in the center.  Along with that comes the realization that some things I can change, others I cannot change.  I think it's meant to be that way in life.  It's having the wisdom to know the difference between the two, this is the skill set I lack.

So, instead, I'm going to just allow myself a few moments to meander into that little day dream world of mine that just so happens to be this brown haired, brown eyed slightly quirky little vixen in touch with her inner geek, whose true self swings more toward the twisted sister humor if you take the time to pry a little bit, most don't.   When she's comfortable, that side comes out, little by little, testing to make sure it's still loveable.   After all, we all just want to be loved.

I don't live in a cinematic version of the Wizard of Oz, where all things are as possible as a dream.  This is reality, the real deal.  This is life and I want a second chance.  A second chance to grab the strong slightly rough hand of Amazing and whirlwind through the dull routine of earnings and sales, with a foundation of love conquers all, mixed with the right amount of incredible experiences that can only be labeled "I didn't know it could be that good" see those are the most treasured things in life, things that are experienced with someone which are shelved away in the parts of our soul to be later checked out and revisited occasionally as a reminder that, indeed, it was the best.  No matter what happens in life, those are the things we don't forget.   Not only that, but the fact that Amazing (and Amazing isn't always perfect, but that's what makes it Amazing to begin with), is a part of what makes tomorrow something to look forward to.   Amazing makes those setbacks that occur in everyone's life seem surmontable.   Amazing makes those victories and achievements regardless of whose they are (ours or those we care about) all that sweeter. Amazing makes a Smartphone ring differently because we want it to ring, buzz or tweet.  Amazing makes our cheeks flush with happiness.  Amazing is what life is all about.

A second chance with the rough but strong hand of Amazing may not be possible.  Like I said, this is the real world where things like free will and happy endings in a Nicholas Sparks movie give us an intersection to pause and reflect, and ultimately decide, which road am I going to go down.  Will it be Second Chance Avenue or will it be Not Yet Park Place.  I know where these two roads intersect, but I avoid going close to the stop sign just yet.  Then, "If Only" becomes, "hope" and a second chance requires planning, thought and reevaluating where the last chance ended up, hoping to alter the course.

In the meantime, I know what I want, and every single map I trace my path on circles me back to Second Chance Avenue where the address resides for Amazing.  I just keep on going til I hit my current destination which is yet to be plotted and just a holding pattern until I finally decide I'm either going to rewrite a Nicholas Sparks ending on some grand scale that would make 50-Shades blush or I'm going to exit to the freeway and never look back at Second Chance Avenue and Amazing will still be Amazing, just not to me.   Amazing is never the same twice, ever.  Not in any situation.

So, here's to second chances, followed by "If only" and hoping that Amazing can afford a GPS to get on track and make it to the right intersection.

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