Never Give Up, Always Move Forward

Never Give Up, Always Move Forward

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Drama, It's Everywhere!

What would life be like without a day of drama?  In fact, some days, I actually own the title Drama Queen.  I'm certainly no exception, but in 2015, I'm going to start with a more positive outlook.  The drama in my life is quite simple.

When cooking the mixer goes in the bowl, not in the hair.  Or quite possibly, this drama could be completely eliminated by not mixing culinary skills with that great bottle of Skinny Girl Wine.

Speaking of Skinny Girl Wine, a drama day can start right off the bat on those days we feel, well "fat"..  Let's face it folks, real women have curves, we don't have time to photoshop and I'm sure the price is way out of my budget.  So, it's time to just accept who we are.  This is what a real woman looks like.

Wait a minute...that's photoshopped...
I'd say, that's about close enough...but not quite
Let's not forget the drama at work ...there's always a dropped order, a customer to keep happy and WE LOVE our customers!!  So, that's what we do every day.
Well, that's not what I do, but you get the picture.  

If we have kids, there is no shortage of a little drama here or there... that's the easiest drama, right?

A bad hair day can be it's own drama.   It can literally send us to the hair dresser.  Not just hair, either..eyebrows, manicure, sun tanner.. In fact, I recently tried the "safe" spray on tan..just make sure you DON'T forget to use the barrier cream on your palms and those other areas...

Lest, you end up with freckles of speckles.

Drama, drama, drama.. yes, life is full of drama.  Of course we deal with it, we're adults, right?  We don't whine on Facebook with multiple "feelings" quotes or selfies showing we're really Happy.  Oh wait, I'm guilty of that..ooops.

So, you see, I'm quite normal and it wouldn't be responsible blogging if i didn't also post a cure for the Drama, here it is and it's available over-the-counter.  It's called Drama Mine.  It can be taken in several ways, depending on the nature of your drama:
Original formula, for "Melo-Drama" acting relief 

Fast and effective for the kids too.

And, when you find yourself posting uploads to social media like this, extra fast acting suppositories will be your best friend in owning your own Drama.   Dramamine..Drama-Mine.  Here's to owning our own drama each and every day!!

A totally humorous blog today, about accepting responsibility for my own drama.  It's as much a part of life as dieting, hair styling, work, raising kids and general life.  If you don't have drama...of course then, this doesn't apply to you.

That works too!!   

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