Never Give Up, Always Move Forward

Never Give Up, Always Move Forward

Saturday, December 27, 2014

A second chance

It is hard to be, the person you want me to be
I am eternally grateful you see
that you have chosen me

So, I've let go of the past and set it free
It holds only the best memories
A time and space in my life that was real for me
Definitely not a thing meant to be

There is something sweet about your persistence to be a "we"
That is to say, a you and me
I'm not used to that kind of freedom to be
A part of someone proud to be with me
The past so hard on my self esteem

In spite of that, you have been there for me
Calling you and me a "we" way before it was agreeable to me

So, I hope that you choose to try on for size
A courtship with me that is not built on demise
But rather a friendship we try on for size

I thank you for being by my side
For understanding the trials of long distance
  And time you must bide
Before I could ever be someone's bride

I'm willing to try, you by my side
Until such a time when either should decide
That we were not meant to be by each other's side.

For now, I will try to be a good friend
As you seek so hard to be able to bend
To my silly feelings rooted in the past
Connected to a soul to which there was an end

My judgement was poor
But the lesson was rich
If you act like a bitch
You will never make him switch

With that I have learned to choose comfort over love
That was the message from way above
To keep our souls in heaven regardless of love

So now I am yours and we can sign our cards "we"
For there is no better place than with you sitting next to me.

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