Never Give Up, Always Move Forward

Never Give Up, Always Move Forward

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Woman's Body Language

There are hidden cues in a woman's body language, some are obvious and some are not so obvious.  So, I recently had lunch with a buddy of mine who "decoded" a woman's body language.

A woman's face will "animate" when she is interested in you and what you are saying.  Watch her eyebrows, lips and eyes to see how she reacts to the things you are saying.  Strangely, if she "raises" her eyebrows, it is not necessarily a negative body fact, most of the them, it is probably a good thing particularly if it comes with a smile.  Sometimes, a woman will raise her eyebrows if she is interested in what she sees.

Likewise, if she is biting her lip or "pursing" her lips in a certain way, it is almost always to draw attention to her lips...not necessarily just a fidgety movement.  Note to self:  I often catch myself doing this!

Watch how a woman sits.  If she sits facing you or turns to where you are sitting, she is interested in what you have to say.  If she rests her heads on her hands or maybe tilts her head to the side to see you, she is definitely in tune to what you are saying.

Crossed arms, leaning back - always a definite sign she is feeling defensive or shutting down - instead of giving up, simply change the focus of what you are saying and watch her relax!  (The jury is out on this one...I am not sure, myself)!

She plays with her hair.  If she twirls her hair or smooths it out, she may be feeling pensive or self-conscious about her appearance; however, if she is talking to you and twirling her hair around a finger, for example....she's flirting.

Watch her fingers...Seriously...when a woman is interested in whom she is next to, she may carelessly fidget with her necklace, casually touch her collarbone - that's a definite positive flirtatious signal she probably doesn't even know she is doing.   If she's stroking the stem of a wineglass...she is giving off an exogenous, albeit subconscious signal that she is interested...consider it a kind of fidgeting, but in a positive way.  On the other hand, if she is tapping the glass nervously, she may be thinking...where's the exit sign?

Crossed legs.  Interestingly, if a woman is sitting across from you and she crosses her legs...she is sending out a subconscious signal that she is either interested in what you are saying...or flirting with you.    She may even stroke her thigh (subconsciously), also a positive sign she is into you and probably not even aware she is doing it.    Or, she may simply want you to notice her long legs.

Mirroring your movements - A woman who likes you or is interested in you may also mirror your movements.  Body language is, for the most part, a subconscious behavior that we really don't realize we are doing.  Take for instance, eye contact - holding your gaze for a moment longer that she might normally do is a definite sign a woman is interested in what you are saying.  She is subconsciously measuring your face, your eyes, what you are saying and how you are saying it.  These nonverbal cues have an impact on how she responds with her own body language and also what she is saying.  If a woman is nervous or feeling a little insecure about herself, she may exhibit body language that reflects that.

Take a moment the next time you are talking with a woman and take a cue from her body language.  If she is interested in you, she will turn toward you, lean in, make eye contact, fidget, twirl her hair.  She may even touch your arm or your shoulder if she feels comfortable to enhance a point she is making.

Communication between men and women in an age where technology has taken over with texting and email becomes less innate than in the past.   Lets not forget the importance of our personal interactions and how meaningful they can be to all of us.  Bottom line, when talking to a woman, watch her body language and gauge your own for enhanced communication.

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